Monday 22 October 2012


From the title of this post, you probably think I'm talking about your everyday orange squash. It could be very easy to ramble on about the additives, the sugar, the artificial sweeteners etc etc etc. But no.

The motive to this post: an aching bum, painful arm muscles and the desperate need to stay in bed all day...
taken with Instagram: angelseebs1

...which, in fact, I am doing. By the way, meet Ginger, my teddy who's keeping me company today (actually can't live without my teddy's).

SO the cause of all this? Yesterday, I went to play Squash with my boyfriend and his Dad. Rest assured, I made certain I dressed appropriately (after trying on 3 different pairs of shorts) but I seemed to have forgotten one important detail... I haven't done an ounce of sport since Dance Leaders back in Year 12 - 2 years ago, and I DEFINITELY felt the effects.

Initially, I stood over court 2 watching the boyfriend and his dad battle out a game. I had never, ever played Squash before in my life, and I was frightened. There was no way I could have hit the ball that hard whilst continuously running up and down! HAHA they must have been kidding!!
So I thought that maybe I'd just watch at first, then maybe next time get involved with a bit of hitting the ball back and forth, until..

"Shall we give it a go?"

My heart literally started beating at about 100mph. I played my boyfriend's dad and, embarrassingly, was out of breath after hitting the ball about 5 times. Not only that, but the amount of times I missed the ball on a serve, or accidentally ran into the wall, or tried to do an impressive shot but failed, I just wanted to run away. Didn't help that I was frequently asking for water breaks when everyone I "played" weren't even out of breath :(

Regardless of the humiliating situation I put myself in, it was a damn good workout, and even though right now I'm suffering from an aching and tender bum, it will be worth it! And yes, I have plans to go back...not saying it's such a good idea after what happened yesterday, but I'm willing to give it another go!

Come at me firm bum. 

This should read *squash: MOTIVATION

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